The first few changes to pblog and my blogging tools
Next month it’s going to be one year since I started blogging. All this time, pblog has been servicing my feeds and supporting the weblog version of my blog. I have been using Newsgator to follow other people’s blogs and the plugin that comes with it in order to post to pblog. However, as great…
Architectural simplicity is our friend when we are aiming for scalability
If the Web has taught us anything is that simplicity in the design is our friend when we want to achieve scalability. That’s the approach we are advocating with MEST and that’s what we have been saying to the Grid community who is introducing things like OGSI and WS-RF into the picture. I remembered the…
“Searching for White Dwarfs” application
In previous posts I mentioned our “Searching for White Dwarfs” application which was aimed at illustrating how “typical” Grid applications could be easily built using existing Web Services technologies and tools. I have now started putting some more information together on a page (you’ll also find some screenshots). Most of the application is ready but…
WSE 2.0 SP2 final
Go get it.
EPRs and the architectural elements they address
But which are our architectural elements you may ask? Services or resources? I posted my thoughts over at the W3C mailing list. For those who have been following what Jim and I have been saying about OGSI, WSRF (and to a lesser extent about WS-Transfer), this post is a short summary. Expect more when we…
Using SAML for credential delegation
The paper on “Extending the Security Assertion Markup Language to Support Delegation for Web Services and Grid Services” by Jun Wang and my friend Marty Humphrey over at the CS department, University of Virginia, is a great read. It illustrates how one could do user rights delegation using SAML. This is a common scenario in…
MSN Spaces
I like this. The customisation options are really cool. My space is at http://spaces.msn.com/members/savas/. My concerns are: My current blog already has permanent links that I don’t want to loose. I don’t have complete control of my space. I am not sure whether I will be charged in the future for the service. I can…
RDF to filter WS-Eventing notifications?
This is an interesting proposal. As Stefan (needs to sort out main page) says, WS-Eventing allows the use of any dialect for filters, so why not RDF? (Disappointed that my implementation efforts are not listed 🙂 (just joking of course).
I find myself agreeing with Steve on this
In addition to defining addressing-related information headers for SOAP messages, WS-Addressing introduces the concept of an EndpointReference (EPR) which is used as the means of capturing the addressing-related information of a service endpoint. I don’t see why an EPR couldn’t be of the form: <wsa:ReplyTo> <!- Protocol-specific addresses -> <wsa:Address>http://service.com/myservice</wsa:Address> <wsa:Address>corba:bla-bla-bla</wsa:Address> <wsa:Address>tcp-ip:</wsa:Address> <!- And a…
A paper on “When Database Systems Meet the Grid”
“To our knowledge, most of the data-intensive applications that run on the Grid today focus on moving hundreds of thousands of files from the storage archives to the thousands of computing nodes.” [1] The above quote is from [1] which is written by the team that has given us the SkyServer. Talking to Maria recently…