• BrainExpanded – The Timeline

    BrainExpanded – The Timeline

    See “BrainExpanded – Introduction” for context on this post. Notes and links Over the years, I used various ways to capture personal notes, TODOs, and articles/videos I encountered. I thought that I would go back to them, recall information I captured, and retrieve knowlege from those articles or videos. I used note-capturing apps, bookmarking apps,…

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  • BrainExpanded – Introduction

    BrainExpanded – Introduction

    This is the first post, in what I think is going to be a series, about another side project of mine: BrainExpanded (yes, I also own the .com and .ai domains, just in case). As mentioned in my “Digital twin follow up” post, BraindExpanded is yet another way for me to learn new technologies and…

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  • Digital twin follow up

    Digital twin follow up

    Back in February, I shared the results of some initial experimentation with a digital twin. It was my way of learning tools such as langchain, ollama, vector stores for retrieval, etc. Then work got in the way and I never followed up. Until now. While still thinking about the digital twin, I started pondering about…

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  • Digital Twin (my playground)

    Digital Twin (my playground)

    I am embarking on a side project that involves memory and multimodal understanding for an assistant so I wanted to start exploring the technologies involved. My “Digital Twin” is one of my playgrounds for learning and practicing with relevant technologies such as Python, LLMs, Langchain, Ollama, etc. I also started using Swift but that’s a…

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  • “This is exactly what LLMs are made for”

    “This is exactly what LLMs are made for”

    I was in Toronto, Canada. I’m on the flight back home now. The trip was very productive. A few of us went there to meet part of our team and discuss our plans for the coming months. First time in Toronto. Beautiful city. Next time I’ll make a point of staying longer. Stefan Scherer (a…

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  • AI is enhancing me

    AI is enhancing me

    AI as an enhancer of human abilities.

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  • “How we fell out of love with voice assistants”

    “How we fell out of love with voice assistants”

    The BBC article “How we fell out of love with voice assistants” by Katherine Latham is no surprise to me. It reminds me of numerous conversations during my Cortana and Alexa days about the importance of user value and trust. We tracked and tried to optimize many metrics. When we started paying more attention and…

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  • Ontology-based reasoning with ChatGPT’s help

    Ontology-based reasoning with ChatGPT’s help

    Like so many others out there, I played a bit with ChatGPT. I noticed examples of create a new language and a new programming language. I decided to test ChatGPT’s ability to reason over an ontology that we create on the fly. I have worked on language/conversational systems for so many years. I knew this…

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  • Break from work

    Break from work

    Hi all… It’s been a while since I posted on this blog. It’s been an interesting summer for me. I resigned from Amazon to take a break from work. I’ve been traveling, reading for fun, studying math and machine learning, and re-charging. I have been working on natural language/conversational systems for about 11 years now. It…

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  • Mary elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineers

    Mary elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineers

    So proud of Mary. She was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineers. Satya and Elon, who also got elected as members at the same time, are lucky to be in the same list as Mary 🙂

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