“SOAP is really just another RPC protocol” ???
I just read this opinion article on “Are Web Services the New CORBA?” (Via Mark) “SOAP is really just another RPC protocol”? How can a specification about how to process messages in a particular format without any request-response semantics, without any dispatching semantics, without any notion of a procedure and parameters, be associated with RPC?…
One small step for WS-Addressing, one giant step towards MEST
(not towards REST Mark 🙂 One down, one to go 🙂 The MEST folks (well, the two of us) can be happier today. The REST camp seems happy too. So, Reference Properties are no more. Hurray!!! Despite what Mark supports, I think that in the future is all going to be about SOAP and not…
The one where I propose that the WS-Addressing TC considers the removal of Reference Props/Params
It has been suggested in the WS-Addressing WG, as a proposal for the resolution of issue #i001, that the Endpoint Reference (EPR) Reference Properties/Parameters contain the interaction data rather than being part of an identity. I agree about the identity part; EPRs should not be treated as identities. However, I believe that interaction data should…
The roles of services in service-orientated applications
I am back in Newcastle. The CoreGRID WP3 meeting in Pisa was not what I was expecting but the workshop in Crete turned out relatively ok (for the first in a series that is). There were a couple of interesting talks. There I met Ian Taylor in person (I knew about his work), one of…
Jim has a new job
I didn’t want to say anything about Jim‘s new job since I was waiting for him to blog about it. Well, here it is! He’s going to be working for ThoughtWorksAustralia. I do hope that he’ll take all our ideas forward and prove them in the industrial setting. Hmmm… Should I be doing something similar?…
Protocol integration!
The CoreGRID WP3 meeting in Pisa, Italy was not the success I was hoping it to be (at least for me since I am the only one disagreeing with the direction… the other partners seemed reasonably happy). It seems to me (I guess I am always a sceptic) that yet again we are re-inventing distributed…
The end of the WS-GAF project
I just sent the following message to the ws-gaf mailing list. (WS-GAF project web site) Dear all, Happy New Year to all! This message is to let you know of the end of the WS-GAF project. Friday is our last day and Jim Webber will no longer be working for us. I would like to…
To Pisa and Crete
I am off to Pisa, Italy for a CoreGRIDWP3 meeting and then to Crete, Greece for a workshop on Grid and P2P Architecture where I am going to give a 30 min talk on what we’ve been doing here as part of WS-GAF. In both meetings I am going to push the “Web Services are…
Capturing a service conversation using Cw
Jim‘s post got me thinking… Wouldn’t it be nice to have Cw code generated automatically that captures the semantics of a Web Service contract? Please note that I am not talking about just converting WSDL to WebMethods and C#. We have something else in mind… We want to capture entire conversations and help the programmer…
Reviewing papers for workshops, conferences, journals
Phew! I just finished reviewing 9 papers for the CCGrid 2005 conference. I got a good balance of interesting and “not-so-interesting” (to put it politely) papers. I spent a lot of hours over the last few days reviewing these papers (I am of the opinion that authors deserve thorough reviews because that’s what I expect…