• MEST on hold until our rejected paper is re-written/expanded

    There are two reasons why I have stopped trying to defend MEST after this week’s many excellent discussions and great comments in the blogosphere (many thanks to all): Until we have something on paper, as Chris suggested (thanks for the offer btw to give feedback; we’ll take up on it soon :-), the discussion will…

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  • The MEST saga continues 🙂

    In his comment to my “Explaining MEST” post Brian Glaser supported pub/sub systems in favour of MEST. Chris Ferris does the same in his “MEST-Up” 🙂 post and promotes such an event-based architecture for implementing loosely-coupled systems. As Jacek correctly points out, pub/sub is a particular pattern that needs to be implemented somehow. MEST defines…

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  • “Interesting and useful MEPs”

    There has been more reaction on the ongoing discussion I mentioned in my last entry. Gudge is preparing a reply and Chris has some very interesting comments. However, I am choosing to highlight the following paragraph from Chris‘ entry for a different reason… “The message exchange pattern (MEP) is just that; a pattern. The fact that…

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  • Explaining MEST

    Steve in his “Gudge, Mark, app protocols, and transport independence” post continues the very interesting discussion with Mark and Gudge. Mark mentioned MEST in his “Gudge responds to the wsa:To issue” post and so Steve asks for clarification on what MEST is all about. So, here it goes… I have to start by saying that…

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  • MEST paper rejected 🙁

    Our first attempt for a MEST paper was rejected. This is not very bad since we got some useful feedback and really encouraging comments from the two out of three referees, who also suggested that the paper be accepted. The third reviewer not only rejected the paper but did not even give us any useful…

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    There are many reports about the blogosphere about the move to W3C recommendation status of the MTOM, XOP, and RRSHB specs. Well done to all those involved.

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  • I absolutely agree…

    … with Steve‘s comments about how the W3C TAG shouldn’t mandate a direct correlation between the wsa:To property and the underlying transport/application protocol-specific address. This would be similar to saying that every time I want to pay with my credit card by giving my credit card number, I have to tell the service provider how…

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  • Problems with pblog

    I would like to apologise to those experiencing problems with <savas:blog/>. It seems that due to the extra load on my small server there are some problems which I am trying to identify. It’s very likely that I will also have to implement some server-side caching. I’ve never thought that the traffic will be high…

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  • Steve on Reference Properties

    Great discussion (“EPR’s, RefP’s, and MSDN2”) from Steve on Reference Properties. I get the feeling that Steve is forgetting the opaqueness of RefProps and RefParams. It’s not the case that one could just safely put any value in the <version> element and create a new EPR that is useable. The consumer of an EPR should…

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  • Excellent intro to Cw

    “An overview of Cw” by Dave Obasanjo is an excellent introduction to those features of Cw that relate to the processing of relational and semi-structured data. Cw‘s concurrency related features are not covered. A great read! I can’t wait for Cw to be made available for .NET 2.0 which is what I use now. I…

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