This is why people have stopped believing in standards
The OASIS WSDM TC has decided to submit the WSDM specifications as an OASIS standard despite the negative vote. This is really bad for Web Services standards. Greg Pavlik blogged about what has been happening in the TC (post 1, post 2, post 3). I totally agree with Greg. How can we possible have a…
Implementation of WS-Transfer
Yesterday I was chatting with my friend Marty about WS-Transfer and the fact that we weren’t aware of any implementations out there. So, I challenged myself to write one in 30 mins using WSE. Well… it didn’t take 30 mins but a couple of hours because of a stupid bug related to WSE attributes… I…
WS-Trust and delegation
A discussion often taking place within the Grid community is the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) and the use of modified X.509 certificates for delegation scenarios (RFC 3820 – “Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Proxy Certificate Profile”). Not everyone agrees with the approach and, hence, the use of GSI sometimes means non-interoperable solutions. Credential-delegation, however,…
WinFS to be ported to WinXP?
That’d be cool. The article is questioning whether there would be value in upgrading to Longhorn if all of its pillars are available for Windows XP. I speculate that Microsoft will be first offering consumers an intensive to upgrade by offering a new user experience (Aero, new driver-support, multimedia device integration/support, OS componentisation, etc.). The…
Technology fanaticism vs enthusiasm
In the past, I too have been responsible for fuelling OS and platform related arguments. However, for quite a few years now I realised that the choice of a tool is a personal matter. In the same way I don’t try to push to people my favourite programming language, IDE, OS, laptop, hardware vendor, bookstore,…
SSDL in “Architectural Styles for Web Services”
This short article on “Architectural Styles for Web Services” mentions SSDL and MEST. Jim Alateras demonstrates how a simple Web Service could be described using WSDL, implemented using HTTP, and described using SSDL.The problem at hand makes SSDL look remarkably similar to WSDL. Indeed, the equivalent SSDL would be something like this (using the MEP…
Pat Helland is moving to Amazon
Pat Helland is moving to Amazon. Pat is one of those people that I would really like to work with. I think that the team being created in Amazon to do service-oriented, global-scale computing sounds really exciting. I guess Pat will closely work with that team. Very interesting! 😉
WSE 2.0 SP3 released
Go get it!
Clemens spends a weekend with Indigo
Clemens discusses some aspects of Indigo in a three-part post (part 1, part 2, and part 3). It’s very interesting. Part 3 is of particular interest to me. Since I haven’t played with Indigo yet (waiting for Microsoft to release the next CTP, sometime this month) I read with great interest Clemens‘ example on how…
Great article on C# 2.0 iterators
This article on C# 2.0 iterators deserves a good read, especially by those of you with functional programming languages background/interest. Although I have already made sure that NIP.NET compiles on .NET 2.0, I can’t wait until I have some time to make use of the new .NET 2.0 and C# features for exposing potentially parallel…