More good news for the WS-* story
In addition to the single reliable-messaging story, there appears to be a similar development in the single sign-on space. Excellent news!
Wil O’Mullane in Newcastle
In early June Wil O’Mullane will be coming to visit us here in Newcastle and he’s also going to be giving a talk as part of our School’s colloquia series. I am really looking forward to seeing Wil again. He’s part of the team responsible for the SkyServer and the US National Virtual Observatory work.…
WS-RX as an example for WS-TXs
As I am catching up with blogs and industry news, I saw the announcement by OASIS that the new TC being formed (WS-RX) will result in a single story in the WS reliable-messaging space, effectively resulting in merge of the competing reliable-messaging specifications. This is great news. There is lots of commentary in technology news…
Holidays over, back in the UK
I am back in the UK. As I previously mentioned, I went to Greece for a couple of weeks of holidays. Unfortunately, as soon as I arrived there I had a big setback in my personal life:-( Family and friends were very supportive and they all helped in making sure that I had good time after that.…
Just booked flights for two weeks of holidays and work in progress
I haven’t had proper holidays for a long long time. So, Wednesday I am going back to Greece to visit my family and travel a bit around to see friends in various cities. It may be a while after this visit until I get the opportunity to do this again. As a result, my blog…
Coactus – Good luck to Mark
Coactus consultancy! Mark, perhaps a section on MEST and Web Services? 🙂
What does “WS-I compliance” mean?
Ever since we published our WS-GAF white paper criticizing OGSI, its object-oriented nature and how it (ab)used existing technologies (XML Schema and WSDL), there has been a lot of discussion in the Grid community about WS-I. You see, we’ve always advocated for Grid solutions to be built on stable, existing, widely-accepted technologies. We started promoting…
The 3D star browser in our VR facility
Old readers of my blog will know that I have been experimenting with Avalon by building a 3D star browser using the Sload Digitial Sky Survey data. I have ported the previous version of the StarBrowser to the Avalon March 2005 CTP but my laptop’s hardware cannot really cope so I have put the experiment on…
MEST music
This may be an album I may buy. I just happen to like the name of the group 🙂
Steve, Mark, and Stefan on REST/WS
The discussion on REST/WS is still very much alive. There is an interesting thread of comments in Steve Vinoski‘s “WS references” post. Note the references to “ProcessThis”. I wouldn’t have made the link between “ProcessMessage/This” with protocol handlers or interceptors in the same way that REST doesn’t link the transfer of state representation with HTTP…