The journey continues…
My “Visiting MS” post signified a turn into how I had been treating my exploration of job opportunities with regards to blog posting. That post attempted to capture the great time I had while being interviewed by Don, Oliver, Chris, et al. at building 42. I also suggested in the post that I was considering…
SSDL v1.3 updates
I finally updated the SSDL site with the versions of the documents published as University of Newcastle upon Tyne Computing Science Technical Reports. Let me know of any problems.
On description languages, REST, the Web, MEST, SSDL, and ‘declarative distributed computing’
This is very interesting! The W3C has started a mailing list (subscribed) to discuss Web description formats. Mark Nottingham is asking in his “Web Description at the W3C” post whether some Web Services folks are probably “seeing the light” about the Web. However, what if it is the other way around? What if it is…
What do Web Services have to do with the Alps?
I am really glad to see the “Rethinking the Java SOAP Stack” paper being released to a wider audience. Steve and Edmund have written a great paper describing the Alpine-style for Web Services development. Now, if only Alpine incorporated SSDL as the description language of choice 🙂
Samples in the WinFX Beta 1 RC SDK
The WinFX Beta 1 RC SDK is now available (there is a link to the ISO further down the page). There are lots of samples for both Avalon and Indigo but you need to extract them manually. After I installed the SDK I found a number of directories with samples which were not working. However,…
Our MIT SOC book chapter got accepted
Jim and I received good news about our submitted chapter to an upcoming MIT Press book on service-oriented computing. The feedback was very good. The chapter, entitled “Realising Service-Oriented Architectures with Web Services”, focuses on architectural principles for building service-oriented systems and then moves on to discuss how Web Services technologies could be used according…
WinFX Beta 1 RC (Indigo and Avalon)
I read today in the Indigo newsgroup that the Indigo and Avalon Beta 1 runtime is now available for download. This version will play nicely with the .NET version we get when VS.NET Beta 2 is installed. I successfully performed all the necessary uninstall/install steps and so now continue my tests with the latest bits.…
Building a custom Indigo transport binding for dynamic endpoint resolution
After my holidays and my trip to Seattle I am now finally slowly catching up with email and blogs. So, I once again had a little bit of time to have some fun with Indigo. (Expect more frequent posting from now on. Amongst other things, there has been lots of commentary on description languages for…
Tetris Shelving
What an excellent, geek-friendly idea 🙂 (Stratos, via email)
Visiting MS
I am at the Seattle Tacoma Airport waiting to get back to the UK. As I said in a previous post, I came to Seattle for a short visit. The reason?… An interview with Microsoft. I’ve already mentioned that I was planning to move on from Newcastle and that I was looking for new opportunities.…