• WS-Coordination, WS-AT, WS-BA updated

    Many have reported that the WS-Coordination, WS-AT, and WS-BA specs have been updated which cool. Jorgen says that this is hopefully their final update before going to OASIS which is also cool. Now, when we reach OASIS, how about making sure that there is a single set of coordination/transactions-related specs? I am sure (well, I hope)…

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  • Dynasoar and Virtual Machines (part 2 – The .NET prototype implementation)

    Part 1 of this two-part post briefly introduced Dynasoar and how Virtual Machines could be used as the unit for service deployment. As Tim Freeman correctly pointed out in his comment, there is plenty of VM-related work out there. I didn’t want to suggest that our work on VMs was unique; not at all. We…

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  • WS-Addressing becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation

    Well done to Mark and the rest of the group for a job well done! It took much much longer than expected but such is life in standards committees. The two W3C candidate recommendations: WS-Addressing Core WS-Addressing SOAP binding We have until November 1 this year to submit comments. So, start reading everyone! Update: Corrected…

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  • pblog update

    I’ve started HTML-encoding the blog’s title in the RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 feeds that pblog generates. I did this because RSS Bandit had a problem with the title of my blog (“<savas:blog />”). Please let me know if your aggregator has problems with this (i.e. if the title appears as “&lt;savas:blog /&gt;”). Thanks! I…

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  • Dragon Boat race @ Newcastle

    There was a Dragon Boat race yesterday on the Tyne (the river that goes through Newcastle… hence, “Newcastle upon Tyne” 🙂 Some 21 people, mostly from Computing Science, formed the University of Newcastle “Dragon & Drop” team 🙂 None of us were rowers. We did it just for the fun of it. There were around…

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  • Jim on MEST/SSDL

    I just noticed that Jim is going to be talking about MEST and SSDL. If you happen to be around Sydney on September 7, don’t miss this. Jim is an excellent speaker. BTW, it’s time for the long-promised MEST paper. Jim and I decided to start the work on it this week. We’ll keep you posted.

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  • Concurrency and distributed systems

    (Back from an unplanned week of ‘working-holidays’ in Greece… had an excellent time) It’s not news to Computing Science folks that in many cases concurrency and distributed computing face the same problems. Theoreticians may even say that the two domains do not differ from a modelling point of view and for most problems they would be…

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  • REST in Axis 2.0???

    About Axis 2.0 again (via Mark Baker’s blog). This page describes how “RESTful Web Services” are supported by Axis 2.0. “REST is providing access to the resources through the two methods GET and POST. The REST Web services are reduced subset of the usual Web Service stack, and the Axis2 REST implementation assumes following properties.” I…

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  • WSO2 – Sanjiva’s new company

    Sanjiva has a new company: WSO2. From the company’s frontpage: “We are creating an uncompromising middleware platform for Web services which treats Web services as first class components instead of as a facade to some existing platform like J2EE. Apache Axis2 is the first SOAP stack which espouses this design in its guts: we focus…

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  • Message-orientation in Axis 2.0

    The “Web Services Messaging with Apache Axis2: Concepts and Techniques” article is a good introductory read for those who are still trying to understand the difference between explicit (SOAP-based) messaging and Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)! I don’t think I need to write anything more in relation to the discussion on whether SOAP and Web Services…

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