Smoke kills
An antitoon: ‘Smoke kills’ 🙂
Snowing in Seattle
The surrounding mountains have been ready for skiing for few weeks now. Now it’s snowing in Redmond. I am sooooo looking forward to going skiing again. It’s been crazy the last couple of weeks. The car arrived (it’s great… already done more than 1000 miles), I finally got a bed (I’ve been sleeping on the…
Interacting with Encarta via IM
This is pretty cool (via Chris Sells). You add encarta@conversagent.com as a contact in your MSN Messenger contacts list and then you can start interacting with Encarta. I started by issuing the following questions for which I got exactly the answers I was expecting: I want to see a map of Xanthi Where is Thessaloniki? How…
Rumesh online memorial
The folks at Newcastle created an online memorial for Rumesh (see my earlier post).
SOAP over SMTP in Indigo
Steve is the man! Very very cool.
Rumesh Kumar Machap
I received a phone call from the UK early yesterday morning with sad news about the tragic death of my friend Rumesh. This is crazy, just crazy! I still can’t believe it. Those who might have seen me presenting or mentioning the White Dwarfs application would have seen (in photos) and heard of Rumesh. He…
Buying a TV
I got lots and good information/advice from all of you guys when I wanted to buy a car; many thanks again! So, I thought I’ll try this again but now for a HDTV. I want to get a Plasma/LCD/DLP High Definition TV (getting ready for the xbox 360 :-). I am looking for a 32” to 37”…
Chris Smith is blogging again!
I was on IM with Chris Smith of Platform Computing just now. He hadn’t told me he was blogging before despite all our drinking sessions at GGFs (although he might have told me and I didn’t remember 🙂 Subscribed!
How cool!
Look at this interface to VirtualEarth! Wow!