The safe/unsafe Web and what’s that X-Bender header?
It’s been very refreshing to see recent discussions about why/how the Web works moving away from the REST vs SOA argument, or POX vs WS, or how cool AJAX is. Here are few links to get you started: Don: “HTTP, XML, REST, and $100“, “coming out“, “spending the $100“, and “Sam’s two webs“ Sam: “Two Webs“…
“Windows Live Academic Search” launched
The Windows Live Academic Search is finally online. They have some unique features compared to Google Scholar (BibTex and EndNote citations, “Sort by” option, abstracts, etc.). I know from an internal mailing list that they are actively tuning the relevance algorithm so the results should be even better. Together with Google Scholar, academics now have…
FW: Checkin #1383521
Beautiful. Don comments. You wanted to do XML over HTTP you said? WCF can now help you! Well done to Steve and others for pushing this.
RIP nsp20
It was October 1st, 1995 when I started my MSc. degree at the University of Newcastle and when I was given the ‘nsp20’ handle which I used for more than 10 years. My account at the Newcastle systems didn’t expire immediately after my departure back in August because there were discussions about a possible “Visiting Research Fellow” post.…
Seattle throughout the day
Dawn Afternoon Night And the sunset from Alki beach…
When control flow semantics leak
Interesting comments by Mark on my last post (in case you don’t follow my comments).
POX using WCF
For those of you who don’t like doing messaging in the ‘http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/’ or ‘http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope’ namespaces (SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 for the XML-impaired), here’s something exciting in the Atlas + WCF space. (via Steve)
Web Services systems management and the Grid
Last week, Microsoft, IBM, HP, and Intel published a roadmap document about converging their WS specifications in the resource-orientation, events, and systems management space. There has already been some commentary about the roadmap (Ian Foster‘s “The Holy Grail: Industry-Wide System Management Standards at Last?”, Jim‘s “The Emperor’s Second Set of New Clothes is Gone“, and…
What’s a “good thing”
It seems that not everyone agrees that the submission of specifications to W3C is a “good thing”. Please let me clarify what I mean by “good thing”. Do I agree with the resource-oriented nature of WS-Transfer as the underlying layer for service-oriented solutions? As older readers of this blog will already know, the answer is a…
Amazon S3 – HTTP or Web Services: which is easier to use?
According to Mark Baker most developers (85% vs 15%) will use the HTTP-based mechanisms for accessing the Amazon S3 service. This is because the “SOAP interface is comical”. I won’t try to support Amazon‘s design. That’s their job. I would like to make a comment from a developer’s point of view. As much as I…