Another good word for SSDL 🙂
In an interview to Stefan Tilkov, Arjen Poutsma, of Spring Web Services fame, had something nice to say about SSDL 🙂 Wouldn’t it be great if there were frameworks out there providing support for SSDL-like contract languages? I have been hard at evangelising SSDL within my company. Let’s see if anything comes out of it (btw… I have…
Cream of Science
Interesting service: 46.713 publications by the top 229 Dutch academics. (via Tony Hey)
On the road again
I am going to be traveling again from tomorrow. First, it’s Greece for few days to see my family and participate in my city’s carnival celebrations. Then I’ll be visiting the UK. I am going to be in Southampton and Microsoft Reading on the 21st, Manchester on the 22nd, and Newcastle on the 23rd (soooo…
User-Defined Functions in Excel 2007 and Web Services
While preparing for an integration project with some of David Heckerman‘s biology-related work, I thought of educating myself on how Excel 2007, .NET, and Web Services could be combined to play together. A lot of scientists use Excel in their day-to-day activities. So it makes sense to make functionality exposed through Web Services available as custom…
PBlog comments update
There has been no spam comments since I added the simple antispam functionality on pblog. However, since there was some confusion as to how to filter the numbers from the antispam string, I simplified it. Now, the antispam string has to be written as is. If spams start appearing again, I may introduce a math-based…
Amazing demonstration of what is possible with WPF/E
Wow! This AJAX+WPF/E application simulates the Vista Aero interface inside the Web browser. The windows in the screenshot are actually hosted within the browser, even the video. Amazing.
Blog about the efforts to locate Jim Gray
It’s so nice to see the community getting together to find Jim. The efforts are reported on the “Tenacious Search” blog.
The search for Jim Gray continues
I’ve been constantly checking the Web for news about Jim and we get lots of information within Microsoft. Although the US Coast Guard is about to stop their search operations, the efforts to locate him are continuing. Google and Amazon are helping out and I’ve been told that even satellites and a NASA airplane with a high-resolution…
"Turning the Pages 2.0"
The British Library and Microsoft collaborated on this wonderful exemplar, Turning Pages. I played with it for a bit and it’s wonderful. Just point your browser to the Turning Page WPF application URL and it will be automatically started. You need to have .NET 3.0 installed or running Vista.
Jim Gray is missing…
… but he’s going to turn up soon, I am sure. “Coast Guard searches for missing Microsoft researcher” (link doesn’t work anymore) Google news