Minority Report-like human-computer interaction
This prototype implementation looks very cool. If the idea takes off, we may finally find ourselves doing some exercise while working 🙂 For some time now, Microsoft’s visitor center has been showcasing a similar concept for the Windows Live Local data. However, nothing close to the sofistication of the prototype shown on the video.
Technical Computing @ Microsoft site up
Our Technical Computing @ Microsoft (my team’s web site) is live. Woo hoo! No feed for changes yet or blog aggregation but all is coming! This is just v1.0. URLs that will direct you there: http://www.microsoft.com/science, http://www.microsoft.com/tc, http://www.microsoft.com/technicalcomputing.
Soya: An SSDL Framework implementation
A tear almost went down my face. I am so happy to see Patric‘s work finally out there. Patric says: After almost 4 months of development I’ve uploaded the first release of Soya yesterday night =) Please feel free to browse through the web site , download the latest release , check out the source repository…
Transitioning to Windows Live Domains
I am going to move the administration of my domain to Windows Live Domains. I hope the process is seamless but if this site disappears for a while, you’ll know something went wrong. What prompted this? Well, yesterday Google mail (all my personal email is routed via this service) had a problem affecting a number…
Buying a condo
It’s been a while since I started considering the purchase of my own place here in Seattle. In February, I started the process and at the beginning of this week I made an offer for a great condo in West Queen Anne. It was only the second time I went out for viewings with my…
Well done to Microsoft. The “i’m” is a great initiative. Using Windows Live Messenger, every time I start a conversation with “i’m” a donation is made to my organization of choice (from a short list). I’ve chosen to support Unicef and will also support StopGlobalWarming.org every other day. So, expect lots of “I’m” conversations :-)* Happy “I’m”ing 🙂…
What does my calendar have to do with parallelism?
I have been trying for ages to get together with Steve Maine for lunch. Since I changed groups, it’s almost impossible and since I left building 42, I don’t see him in the corridor for a short chat. Both our schedules are just crazy. His comment today, after we had identified a spot in our…
"Workflows for e-Science: Scientific Workflows for Grids"
The book “Workflows for e-Science: Scientific Workflows for Grids” is now available. Amongst the chapters in the book, you’ll find one on the SC SSDL Protocol Framework. Congrats to Simon Woodman who did most of the work on this chapter and to the editors for putting the book together.
"Web 2.0… The Machine is Us/ing US"
(I am back in Seattle, some notes about my trip to the UK will follow) The “Web 2.0… The Machine is Us/ing US” video is a nice high-level illustration of the evolution of the Web (some call it ‘Web 2.0’).
Jim’s search is suspended but our hope continous
Please review the “Search status” blog entry over at the “Tenacious Search” blog. I am still full of hope and anxiously awaiting for Jim to reply to my last message upon his return, in which I requested to hear about his adventure over beers!