ARAX vs AJAX (and the unfortunate perception towards Microsoft)
My company has loooong way to go if the perception towards its practices is to change. The following quote I think summarizes the opinion of many in the tech community 🙁 Indeed, Galbraith said, “As long as Windows/Office dominates Microsoft’s balance sheet, these cross-platform Microsoft plays always feel a bit like the story of the…
About architects
It was nice to meet with Mark Little at the Jim Gray tribute few days ago. One of the many things we discussed was the concept of an “architect” in computing. He blogged about it and I find myself agreeing with his views.
Jim Gray tribute
I was at Berkeley over the weekend for Jim Gray‘s tribute. It was an excellent event. Lots of big names in Computer Science were there to celebrate Jim‘s life and career. It is absolutely amazing how many people Jim touched on a personal and professional level. Very moving and fascinating event. I highly recommend the…
goosh – geeky cool
I just read about goosh on ./. How cool. And how appropriate that it’s a shell hosted in a browser. I am sure there are other similar ones all over but the delivery of this particular one is just cool. (only those who’ve used a *nix shell will appreciate the beauty of this one 🙂…
Coldplay ad
I was playing with the Windows Media Center on my server at home (sorry… can’t say why given I don’t watch TV 🙂 and I saw an ad of Coldplay‘s new album. I thought… wow… this is such a cool advert, great visuals, great atmosphere… it must be the same company as the one that…
Sasquatch photos…
As promised in my previous post about Sasquatch, here are some photos…
Workshop on Empirical Studies of Web Services Architecture (The REST-SOAP Debate in Numbers)
This sounds like a very fun workshop. Now, all we need are fun papers as well. So, start those word processors and discuss your views, observations, thinking. The Program Committee is looking forward to reading what you have to say. Call for papers. Workshop web site.
Great posts from Steve
I’ve been doing some catching up with few of the blogs I follow. I just read few of Steve Vinoski‘s latest entries. Worth checking out. Just What We Need: Another RPC Package Defending Something Other Than RPC
Sasquatch Festival!
Ok… Sasquatch was nothing like Glastonbury. Wayyyy too small. I arrived there on Friday late afternoon. I thought I would just set up my tent and then start doing things, jumping from party to party with live music. Nope… it was a quiet Friday evening. There were some ad-hoc parties going on in the camp…
No more Live Search Academic 🙁
The Live Search team made a decision to pull the plug on Live Search Academic and Live Search Books (including the book scanning project). This is sad news for those of us who had high hopes for those services and the value they were adding to the academic and research communities. Please be assured, however,…