• Queen Anne covered in snow

    Many of you might have heard about the snowstorms that have hit the US over the last week or so. I live on a hill, not far from Seattle’s downtown, called Queen Anne. The roads in my neighborhood get really icy every year, making driving around a very difficult task. I wasn’t expecting that I’d…

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  • Quotes from Sowa’s book

    As I was reading Sowa‘s “Knowledge Representation – Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations”, I noted few funny quotes. I don’t know whether Sowa heard them from others or they are his. Commenting on a bad but common practice: “Code first and think later”; Talking about the different views of the world by fourth generation languages,…

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  • Famulus and M – Added "symmetric" relation

    Continuing my previous experiment, I took few mins this morning to add support for “symmetric” relations to my little inferencing engine for Famulus. Here’s an example (starting with a clean Famulus store):

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  • Woo hoo… ski season is here 🙂

    Working from home today, which is probably true for most around here. Nothing moves outside, at least in my neighborhood 🙂

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  • Building an MGrammar-based application for Famulus

    At the 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop, Alex Wade and I presented a tutorial on Famulus. The video recording is not yet online but you can download the slides. The tutorial was mostly filled with demos so you should check out the recording when it becomes available. Alex and I showed how Famulus could be used…

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  • James moving to Amazon

    James announced to the world (and it’s all over the tech news) that he’s moving to Amazon. This is a huge loss for Microsoft but I am super happy for James because, as he says in his blog post, change is good. Through my interactions with him, I came to realize that he’s super super…

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  • "Web" vs "REST" APIs

    If you are a RESTferian or REST-fanatic, please look away now. This is my regular rant about the term “REST” 🙂 <rant> I am seeing the term “REST” everywhere these days, as an annotation of things that obviously do not follow the architectural principles expressed in Fielding’s thesis. Also, when someone implements all the REST…

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  • Carole Goble as the first recipient of the "Jim Gray eScience Award"

    On Monday, Microsoft Research awarded my friend Prof. Carole Goble with the first ever “Jim Gray eScience Award”. I am very very very happy for Carole. She fully deserves it. She’s done and continues to do some amazing work in eScience. Congratulations Carole. BTW… Amongst the great things she’s done is that she’s introduced me…

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  • At the 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop in Indianapolis

    Just one day after my return back to Seattle, I flew to Indianapolis for the 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop. The transition from the sunny Mexico to the cold and full of snow Indianapolis is fun 🙂 It’s great to be here and see this community before I start my new gig with Live Search tomorrow.…

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  • Travel blog – The good, the better, the geeky (oh and those bugs)

    It’s been a wonderful experience. 17 days in the Yucatan peninsula and Belize, plus a daytrip to Guatemala. My love for road trips, for exploring, for being on the move all the time was reinforced by this trip. I feel lucky I had the opportunity to explore, for just a tiny bit, the Maya civilization…

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