• Great online resource: The Richard Feynman lectures

    It’s great to finally see this out. My previous team has been responsible for the execution on this. It’s truly a great resource for those who want to get an insight to one of the greatest scientific minds of our era. And, in case you didn’t know, Tony Hey worked with him and is also…

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  • Report on weekend road trip + Coldplay

    I hit the road this weekend. It was fantastic! I needed to be on the road by myself, in order to concentrate on some Web book writing and also to gather my thoughts and feelings. I find that being on the road is very southing to the soul. I love it. The Coldplay concert was…

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  • Blogging from the Mac

    I am evaluating different blog editors for the Mac. I am posting this from ScribeFire so be warned about what you might see here. Since I am on the road, I can’t test it against my test installation of pblog. Oh… I miss Windows Live Writer. What a great little application.

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  • Cool application of augmented reality

    I am looking into the augmented reality space using cell phones as a hobby these days. This is a cool vision video (via Engadget).

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  • “Ian Robinson and Jim Webber on Web-based Integration”

    My Web-book co-authors gave an interview to Stefan Tilkov for InfoQ. Fun! How can you not like that happy face of my best friend Jim? 🙂 (the one on the left) Ahhhh! I miss working with my pal. Every time I stay at his place and we talk geek, I remember the fun times of…

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  • Another installment of idiotic behavior by Savas

    I have the habit of reporting my idiotic behavior from time-to-time, when I believe that I deserve to be publicly ridiculed. Remember when I put my foot in my mouth or when I missed my flight (and then did it again)? Well, I think this might top those. I blame it on being absentminded these…

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  • Google Chrome OS

    Google Chrome OS: The Web as the platform. Now, that’s interesting!!! Microsoft has been very slow in embracing the Web. It’d be interesting to see if there is any reaction to this.

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  • eScience Workshop 2009

    This is an event I used to really enjoy. Many smart people from various fields of science getting together. Highly recommended. Here’s the announcement and call for papers for the 2009 one. The 2009 eScience Workshop will be held at the Gates Center for Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA,  October 15-17,…

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  • July 4th: A beautiful day

    I woke up early and decided to go for a road trip with my bike. I decided to head towards the Bainbridge island. My friends Sophie and David also had a similar idea but 2 hours later than me 🙂 So, while they were driving towards Port Townsend (north of the island and part of…

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  • An expensive day: MacBook, iPhone, GPS and communications system for the bike

    Today was one of those days… I’ve been planning to make these purchases for a while and I just took the time to do them at the same time. My 2-years old Windows Mobile phone was showing its age. Since Microsoft hasn’t released anything compelling yet in the user experience front (I am hearing that…

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