Forthcoming book by MIT Press: World Wide Research
Tony Hey, Roger Barga, and I were asked to contribute an essay for an MIT Press book entitled “World Wide Research – Reshaping the Sciences and Humanities“, edited by William H. Dutton and Paul W. Jeffreys. We decided to write about “Research Platforms and the Cloud”. That was a couple of years ago but I…
WorldCat Mashathon wrap up notes
Alice posted her wrap up notes on the WorldCat Mashathon event about which I blogged a couple of weeks ago. There is a nice video of Alex talking about the prototype we did on the spot. Adding WorldCat to Windows 7 Alex and Savas used the WorldCat Search API to add WorldCat-formatted citations and links…
Glastonbury in November (@glastofest)
Wow. I can’t believe Glastonbury looks like this. It’s sooo beautiful 🙂 Different type of beauty from when it’s packed with ~200k people at the end of June 🙂 Compare the beautiful green landscape with the colorful sea of tends, stages, arts & crafts & food stands, and people. Source: “A little video of the…
A “smart” cyberinfrastructure for research
Many months ago, Tony Hey, Evely Viegas, and I were invited to write a “viewpoint” article for the Communications of the ACM. It should be of no surprise that we chose to write about “Semantic Computing” as it relates to research. While the focus of my contribution to “The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery” book…
A positive spin to globalization?
I am a true believer in finding something positive in all aspects of human activities. It’s no secret that I am not a huge fun of capitalism and its impact to the world’s less fortunate. I do not believe in Bill Gates‘ “Creative Capitalism“, even though it’s preferable to pure capitalism. I think that the…
Slides from Jim and Ian’s QCon tutorial
Jim and Ian (my co-authors for the “REST In Practice”*) gave a tutorial at QCon in San Francisco few days ago, which was very well received. For most part, the slides follow a lot of our rhetoric in the book and I think they make a great resource. Jim and Ian have done a wonderful…
Working hard… playing hard… Upcoming live concerts 🙂
I am keeping myself quite busy these days and I love it. I started Yoga classes twice a week at 6.30am and a fitness class at 7.30am, again twice a week. I really need to get ready for the ski season, which may be starting early if the snow on our mountains is any indication…
My energy consumption in numbers
I really try my best to be good with the environment, as much as I can. Over the last couple of years I’ve been taking more active steps. It’s starting to pay off but there is much more to be done. Some simple and obvious solutions at home have HALVED my energy consumption from year…
“Scholarly Communications” Group on Facebook and at the OCLC Mashathon event
Lee Dirks just created a “Scholarly Communications” group on Facebook. Most of my work while I was in Microsoft Research was associated/supported by Lee’s group. Lee and Alex Wade are doing an amazing job. They have so many ideas on how technologies could support the work of scholars and they are delivering tools/services on so…
Microsoft Biology Foundation (MBF)
I am really happy to see the MBF project being announced to the public. When Simon Mercer of External Research first told me about what he wanted to do (that was last year, when I was still working for External Research), I got very excited. I got to review his plans and became a big…