Ian Foster on WS-RF and WS-GAF in the news
Ian Foster talks about WS-RF in an interview with Mark Baker. Also, WS-GAF was in the news today. Not the most accurate reporting though. The reporter connected two unrelated stories. I don’t think Ian Foster would have referred to WS-GAF in his teleconference. I bet he was talking about WS-RF and the reporter completely confused…
While I am on the subject of REST
At the end of last month, the work of the W3C Web Services Architecture working group reached an end and the WSA document was published. Nevertheless, the discussions continue in the mailing list almost exclusively on the relationship between Web Services and REST (again). While following the discussions, I started thinking about that relationship. I…
The use of REST for Atom
I am sure the REST folks are not going to like Russell Beattie comments on the overloaded use of PUT and DELETE for Atom. I found the above post from Werner Vogels’ weblog.
Travelling ahead
I haven’t been blogging much lately. That’s because I’ve been trying to catch up with work after my recent trip to San Francisco but most importantly because of the travels that are ahead… 18 – 28 Feb : India. I’ve been invited to participate in a team of 5 UK e-Scientists that will go to…
Semantic web
W3C released today the RDF and OWL recommendations (press release).
A CS Research Topic Generator
🙂 Fantastic… Generate a computing science research topic. Thanks to Rui Wang.
Artificial Stereo Vision
See how the pictures taken by the Mars rovers can be automatically transformed from “anaglyphs” to “real” 3D images. Check out the examples.
Spending some time on NIP.NET
It’s been a while since I touched my NIP.NET work. NIP was originally developed in C++ as part of my PhD research with Prof. Paul Watson. It is a parallel runtime for shared- and distributed-memory multiprocessors. It implements an extension to the original Lazy Task Creation technique1, load balancing, and an object-based Distributed Shared Memory…
Don Box on “Objects and Services” and Eric Newcomer on Web Services
These links are from Jim Webber. I think I linked the Don Box post on “Objects and Services” before but I may be wrong. Oh well… even so, it doesn’t matter to link it once more; it’s Don Box after all 🙂 Also, a very good article by Eric Newcomer on “When Web Services Are…
My friend Jim Webber is working with us (and a common blog?)
You may have noticed that in some of my previous posts I mentioned Jim Webber. Jim is one of my best friends. We did our PhDs together (stuck in the same office for 4 years) and then worked at the HP Arjuna Labs together. I left to do my military service (it’s still compulsory in…