Back from holidays and away immediately
I am back from my holidays in Cuba. I had an excellent time, met lots of people, experienced the local culture, and visited many places. The people of Cuba are great; full with music and passion in their lives. It’s so unfortunate they are not given the opportunity to prosper, both due to the external…
Trackback not working but it’ll have to wait… it’s holiday time!!! 🙂
I just realised that my trackback engine works on my test installation but not on the live one 🙁 Don’t know why this is but I am afraid I don’t have time to fix it now. I am off to Cuba tomorrow for 10 days of holidays (hurray :-). I am so looking forward to…
“processThis” continued
Mark requests for clarification on my coupling argument between resource identity, the assumed representation (state), and the REST verbs in the “On the REST verbs vs “processThis” discussion” post. As always he makes a nice argument and thinks that an example would help. So, I’ll give it a go… Let’s assume that two companies wish…
“Web Services and the Grid: Convergence to Utility Computing” conference
I am going to be giving one of the main talks during the first day of this event (24-27 May) in London. If you are planning to go, let me know since I have registration forms that will give you a discount.
Too many trackbacks while testing 🙁
I’ve implemented full support for trackbacks in the pblog engine. However, due to a mistake while I was testing I may have sent few extra trackback notifications to some of the referenced posts from my existing entries. Those extra trackbacks were sent 3 days ago. My sincere apologies.
A studentship available for PhD students outside the UK
This is from the announcement of a studentship for the UK all-hands meeting 2004 in which I am involved. The UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting is the flagship meeting for dissemination within the UK of its e-science activities. Last year’s meeting attracted over 450 attendees with demonstrations from the National and regional e-science centres,…
Microsoft’s documents on SOA and the Grid fascination with modelling state
I just found the “Application Conceptual View” collection of documents on the Microsoft site. I think that everyone in the Grid community should read the introduction. Here’s how a service is described: “Software services are discrete units of application logic that expose message-based interfaces suitable for access across a network. Typically, services provide both the…
On the REST verbs vs “processThis” discussion
Since I returned from my unplanned 5 days of holiday, I am only now catching up with my blog feeds. Jim wrote (“REST Advocates in Hit-and-Run Guerrilla Insurgency” and “Bill de h’ra Upbeat, Mark Baker Upbeat, I’m Upbeat?”) about our idea of treating services as entities that only support one imaginary verb called “processThis”, “processMessage”,…
“Serializing an Object’s State != Serializing an Object”
This post by Dare Obasanjo makes an interesting read.
More on “WSDL!=Object IDL” or “roundup revisited”
And the discussion continues. Following from Ted‘s blog entry, Steve Vinoskireplies. Also, following from Sean‘s “In a Swiss army knife, sometimes all you see is the knife” entry, Don Box gives his view in his “WSDL ?= IDL” post. Also, Steve Loughran wonders whether “WSDL+CORBA=WSRF?”. I agree with Steve’s points but I would like to…