Mapping DAIS concepts on WS-I, WS-Context, WS-RF
Few months ago Simon Laws (IBM UK), Sastry Malladi (Oracle), and I started an effort to write a GGF informational document about how several of the concepts defined by GGF‘s Data Access and Integration (DAIS) working group could be mapped to different Web Services technologies. The approaches considered were the use of WS-I only specifications,…
Does doc/literal guarantee loose coupling?
Eric Newcomer writes about the use of doc/literal when building WS applications. He supports the idea of document exchange to achieve platform integration. Of course, I agree with Eric since this is exactly what Jim and I have been advocating for some time. I would like to comment on this particular comment by Eric… The…
Proposal to remove WS-RF dependency from WS-Notification
Since the WS-RF and WS-Notification OASIS TCs were formed, I’ve been reading negative comments by other people about WS-RF’s conceptual model. At last I feel that Jim and I are not lone voices. This is a post by David Hull of Tibco that is worth reading. Thanks to Mark Little for bringing this to my…
WS-Security Profile by WS-I
WS-I made available a draft of the WS-I Basic Security Profile Version 1.0. A very good development indeed.
One of those Internet moments
There are those moments on the Internet that capture everyone’s attention. This scam on a scammer seems to be one of those. You need to download the PDF. It’s a real funny account of the events that took place. Here’s the original thread but it has now grown to thousands of posts.
Discussion on WS-Addressing vs WS-MD
There is an interesting exchange of comments over on Jim‘s blog under his “If there’s one thing better than an addressing spec…” post. Looking for comments on Jim’s blog reminded me that I really need to implement RSS feeds for comments for pblog.
An attempt to move on from “processThis”
The “processThis” idea that Jim and I have been discussing for some time now has won us a place in Mark Baker‘s progress highlights for Web Services. Like Jim, I too am flattered. This is really significant coming from someone like Mark whose opinion and ideas, as he already knows, I really value. We’ve been…
“Stateful Interactions in Web Services” article
Jim Webber, Mark Little, and I wrote an article on modelling stateful interactions in Web Services as soon as WS-RF was released. The article is now published in the May edition of the Web Services Journal. Happy reading. As always, we are interested in your comments.
Back from holidays and away immediately
I am back from my holidays in Cuba. I had an excellent time, met lots of people, experienced the local culture, and visited many places. The people of Cuba are great; full with music and passion in their lives. It’s so unfortunate they are not given the opportunity to prosper, both due to the external…
Trackback not working but it’ll have to wait… it’s holiday time!!! 🙂
I just realised that my trackback engine works on my test installation but not on the live one 🙁 Don’t know why this is but I am afraid I don’t have time to fix it now. I am off to Cuba tomorrow for 10 days of holidays (hurray :-). I am so looking forward to…