Care about messages?
I just saw that Christian Weyer and co are going to be at TechEd (Christian, the link in your post does not point to a public page) and they have some interesting talks lined up. Make sure you check it out. I wish I could be there. As Christian says, “we care about messages…”!!! Indeed,it’s…
Plumbwork orange
After my previous post about WS-Eventing I was contacted by John Bristowe (subscribed) who told me about his Gotdotnet project, called “Plumbwork Orange”, “…a workspace dedicated to bringing some WS-* implementations into the WSE fold.” as John explains in this post. I have joined the project and hope to dedicate some time to helping with…
Just as I started recovering from my jetlag…
… I am off travelling again so posts may be infrequent for the next 10 days. Tomorrow I am off to Heidelberg, Germany, for Sun’s HPC Consortium meeting where I am giving an invited talk. I’ve been to Heidelberg twice before; a fantastic city. After Germany I am off to Sardegna, Italy, for just one…
Geek jokes
Computer jokes thread (link from this post from Chris Sell’s blog). And there are some more here. Like Chris, I particularly liked this one. Two strings walk into a bar. The first one says, “Bartender! Bartender! I want a drink!” The second one says, “Bartender! Bartender! I want a drink too! blaaaaaaaaah Eeeeeeeek yaaaaaaak oooooooh.”…
Having fun with WS-Eventing
Jim and I are working on a new application that will combine Web Services and RFID technologies. One of the things that we need is events, so we decided to have a look at WS-Eventing. While on the plane back from Hawaii, I decided to have a go at implementing it using WSE 2.0. It…
Back from Hawaii
Back from Hawaii and seriously jetlagged. Jim has a nice wrap-up of what happened during GGF11. I think that this GGF meeting was the “quietest” I’ve been. People seem willing to move on beyond the “infrastructure arguments”, adopt WS-RF as a done deal, and concentrate on the high-level services. The OGSA working group has a…
Jim talking in Hawaii
I am going to blog about what’s going on here in Hawaii later but for now I just wanted to post this photo of Jim presenting at the “Building Service Based Grids” workshop, the one that I mentioned in a previous post. As you can see from the picture, it’s not only work here in…
Ad-hoc BOF on Web Services-based Grids @ GGF11
We are thinking of running an ad-hoc BOF at GGF-11 on Web Services-based Grids. The BOF will be an informal gathering of people who are interested in building Grid applications using existing Web Services specifications. Some suggestions for discussion: Have we reached the limit of what we can do with existing Web Services specifications when…
Off to Hawaii for HPDC and GGF11
I am off to Hawaii tomorrow for HPDC-13 and GGF11 (yes, I know… my job sucks but somebody has to do it :-). I am one of the co-organisers of the “Building Service Based Grids” workshop which is taking place on the 6th (provisional program). Do come along if you are around. The papers presented…
Michael Platt on the “Grid”
Worth spending a minute to read this. It’s not just us thinking that the Grid community shouldn’t be concentrating its efforts on the infrastructure; that’s Web Services.