Using WSE and WS-Addressing to do “third-party delivery” for the Grid
Third-party delivery has been a major topic of discussion in the Grid community. I have been in so many presentations where one of the justifications for new protocols/specifications/toolkits was the need to deliver the results of a database query directly to a third party and how this is not possible with current WS technologies. I…
Lindsay changed his feed!
Hurray!!!… Lindsay, who posts really interesting stuff (and lots lots of it every day), changed his feed 🙂 His feed only included the text of the entries without the links in order to force everybody to go to his page. I understand his motivation. Feeds were originally meant to announce the publication of a new…
WSDL != object IDL (yes, again 🙂
I got a notification from the Web Services Journal about a new comment on the “Why WSDL Is Not Yet Another Object IDL” that Jim and I wrote some time ago. The comment by Leo Golubovsky is really nice. After googling for a link to the original article, I run across other posts on the…
WinFS for Longhorn, Spotlight for MacOS, and now DBFS for Linux
This is cool. I am looking forward to when all operating systems will move beyond the filesystem abstractions of today for the interaction with end users. So far… WinFS, Spotlight, and DBFS (just read about it). Does anyone know any other related technologies?
Grids vs SOAs
I don’t really agree with the “Grid == hardware solution” equation in this “Grid vs SOA” note over at Loosely Coupled but I do agree with the view that we can build Grid solutions using SOAs.
x = 3; x += x++;
x = 3; x += x++; If you think you know the value of x in C#, then read the x += x++ post by Luca Bolognese (Eric Gunnerson‘s replacement) (subscribed).
WS-Eventing and WS-Notification? WS-RF? The problem with the “logical recipient of a message” again.
I wonder what’s going on behind the scenes. The new version of WS-Eventing has IBM as a co-author. What does this suggest about WS-Notification? Could it be the case that WS-Eventing is going to be layered underneath WS-Notification or are we going to see the two merging? Also, the ID of the subscription has become…
New version of WS-Eventing
I’ve been waiting for this new version of WS-Eventing before finalising and releasing the source code of my implementation. Expect more on this soon.
International Journal of Web Services Research Call For Papers: Special Edition on Web Services Architecture
I just sent a message to various Web Services related mailing lists with a call for papers for a special edition of the International Journal of Web Services Research on the Web Services Architecture. You can find the call at http://ijwsr.ncl.ac.uk/. Jim and I are acting as editors and we are hoping to persuade a…
Resources vs services as the building blocks in architectures & where are the consumers?
In the post where I almost announced my move to the REST camp (Mark, thanks for the membership card, I hope you get well soon :-), I talked about services and messages as the only building blocks for building distributed applications according to the principles of service-orientation. I also suggested that there are no consumers,…