Honesty in user interface design

I liked the “Dark Patterns: inside interfaces designed to trick you” article by Harry Brignull.

Honesty in how we interact with our customers through our products is probably an obvious practice to most of us. Unfortunately, ill-conceived business thinking lead to products that place profit in front of users. Not surprisingly, as Bringull suggests, users will ultimately abandon the product.

I am not a user experience designer. Still, as an architect I aspire for the products for which I am responsible to be defined by their simplicity, elegance, predictability, and above all user empathy at their very core. Bringull says it really well…

Good design — and good business — is all about empathy with our fellow humans. In fact it’s not really limited to business — it’s society as a whole. It’s what defines us as humans. To understand the true impact of your designs, you have to work at a human level of focus.
A good brand is liked. A great brand is loved and respected.
(Harry Brignull, Dark Patterns: inside interfaces designed to trick you, The Verge, 2013).

The main message for me… “honesty in how we design our products”. It’s not only about user interfaces or user experiences. I think it relates to all aspects of how we design, build, deliver, and market products. In most likelihood, it’s all obvious stuff to most but a nice reminder from time-to-time doesn’t hurt 🙂