WorldCat Mashathon wrap up notes

Alice posted her wrap up notes on the WorldCat Mashathon event about which I blogged a couple of weeks ago. There is a nice video of Alex talking about the prototype we did on the spot.

Adding WorldCat to Windows 7




used the

WorldCat Search API

to add WorldCat-formatted citations and links to the Windows 7 environment, which has native search federation functionality built in through OpenSearch. They then added book covers for visual interest (through a separate covers service). Next they will add geolocation mapping functionality so users can find their local library through a Silverlight-based mashup with Bing maps.

One response to “WorldCat Mashathon wrap up notes”

  1. We loved having you at the Mashathon, Savas. Send me a link when you add the mapping functionality and we will add your project to the OCLC Application Gallery.