I really like travelling because I can spend more time coding. So, last week while travelling in Germany and Italy for work, I found some time to finish the WS-Eventing implementation to which I referred in previous posts (post1, post2). I am guessing that there are going to be interoperability problems with existing implementations because I chose to use the current version of WS-Addressing (March 2004) rather the one that the current WS-Eventing specification uses (March 2003).
I have made the assembly with both the source and sink implementations available (http://wsgaf.ncl.ac.uk/services/eventing/wse.dll) if anyone wishes to use it (no documentation yet apart from blog posts... perhaps will work on the documentation later). I guess it's going to be more interesting testing interoperability with other implementations rather than downloading and using my assembly.
I have deployed a simple eventing service at http://wsgaf.ncl.ac.uk/services/eventing/eventing.ashx. You can use this endpoint as per the WS-Eventing specification minus two things for the moment: XPath support for the subscription filter and SOAP faults. When you subscribe your event sink with this service, you'll receive a notification message every 5 seconds with the time here in Newcastle. Yes, I know... not the most useful information out there 🙂
Here's the code for the simple program that raises this event (minus the "using" directives):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Timer timer = newTimer(int.Parse(args[0]));
timer.Elapsed += newElapsedEventHandler(timerElapsed);
timer.Enabled = true;
Console .WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit.");
Console .ReadLine();
static void timerElapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
EventingSource .RaiseEvent(newTimeInNewcastle(), newUri("uk:ac:neresc:newcastletime:time"));
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "uk:ac:neresc:newcastletime")]
public class TimeInNewcastle
public DateTime Time = DateTime.Now;
The EventingSource.RaiseEvent will do the trick.
A simple sink client that will start receiving events and then will send an "unregister" message follows:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri sinkUri = newUri("soap.tcp://localhost:10001/sink");
Uri serviceUri = newUri("soap.tcp://localhost:10002/service");
SoapReceivers .Add(newEndpointReference(sinkUri), typeof(SinkSoapService));
SoapReceivers .Add(newEndpointReference(serviceUri), typeof(MySoapReceiver));
Subscription subscription = newSubscription(newUri("http://wsgaf.ncl.ac.uk/services/eventing/eventing.ashx"));
subscription.EndTo = new uk.ac.neresc.eventing.messages.Epr(sinkUri);
subscription.NotifyTo = new uk.ac.neresc.eventing.messages.Epr(serviceUri);
subscription.Lease.Duration = newTimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
// You can even add Refernece Properties if you want here
EventingSource .Register(subscription);
Console .WriteLine("Waiting for ENTER");
Console .ReadLine();
EventingSource .UnRegister(subscription);
Console .WriteLine("Waiting for ENTER");
Console .ReadLine();
class MySoapReceiver : SoapReceiver
public MySoapReceiver ()
protected override void Receive(SoapEnvelope envelope)
Console .WriteLine("Event received...");
envelope.Body.WriteTo(new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Console.Out));
Please feel free to send me comments/questions/complaints/requests etc.
2 responses to “WS-Eventing implementation deployed!”
Try this http://ws.apache.org/pubscribe/ for Java