Some of you might know that Bob Dylan is amongst my favorite artists. I've seen him only twice so I…
Just noticed from his tweet feed that Jim is going to be sharing his brains through the Web. I suspect…
As part of our Scholarly Communications-related activities in Atlanta (check out my previous post about Zentity v1.0), Alex Wade is…
I've been following all the hype and discussions around Wolfram|Alpha. In few hours it'll go live. I've been lucky enough…
Some Microsoft folks developed some new user experiences on top of Facebook's newly announced stream API. Very cool. Microsoft shows…
I had a file permissions problem with my hosting service provider (Bizhostnet) so I contacted them in an attempt to…
One of the main reasons I went through the pain of rewriting the blog engine and restructuring my entire web…
Well, instead of putting daily notes of what's going on, I created a "timeline" page that gives access to the…
There was a bug, which surfaced only on the hosting service*, resulting in multiple "daily notes" being submitted. I didn't…
The services I use on a daily basis seem to take control of my data. They decide what I can…