
Supporting the Scholarly Communication Lifecycle

Lee Dirks has been leading our efforts in the Scholarly Communication lifecycle. It's been an absolutely pleasure working with Lee…

17 years ago

.NetMap available on CodePlex

.NetMap start a series of announcements by our group today. Marc Smith and his team have done a great job…

17 years ago

Amazon’s recent S3 problems

A great read for those, like me, who are into large-scale systems. See what happened in S3's recent 9-hour downtime…

17 years ago

Three day of Mapping and Reducing…

I am spending today, tomorrow, and Friday at the University of Washington at an NSF-funded workshop on how to use…

17 years ago

Amusing analogy of Google’s daily processing power

20 Petabytes/day! Now, how much is that in rice units? :-)... "I never knew Google was THIS massive!"

17 years ago