
Famulus and M – Added "symmetric" relation

Continuing my previous experiment, I took few mins this morning to add support for "symmetric" relations to my little inferencing…

16 years ago

Building an MGrammar-based application for Famulus

At the 2008 Microsoft eScience Workshop, Alex Wade and I presented a tutorial on Famulus. The video recording is not…

16 years ago

Podcast about Famulus and supporting the Scholarly Communications lifecycle

Paul Miller from Talis interviewed Alex and me the other day. You can listen all about our Research Output Repository…

16 years ago

Research-Output Repository Platform (codename Famulus) Beta 1 is Live!

I am soooo excited to announce the first public beta release of the Research-Output Repository Platform (codename "Famulus")*. It's been…

16 years ago

Freebase Parallax

This is a break from my "travel blogging" :-) I just watched the video of the "Freebase Parallax" browsing interface…

17 years ago

Chem4Word project

One of the projects on which I've been spending lots of my time is the Chem4Word one. Alex Wade is…

17 years ago

Extending "Famulus" using arbitrary data models

"Famulus" has always been the codename for our "Research Output Repository Platform", which I've discussed in previous posts. I am…

17 years ago

Research Output Repository Platform

Yes, I know the name is boring. We have a better name but we weren't able to secure it internationally…

17 years ago

The Age of Semantics

In a recent presentation by Tony Hey on "eScience and Semantic Computing" (large PDF), which is heavily influenced by Evelyne…

17 years ago

Web overlays: Some thoughts about machine-processable knowledge representation

(I have been pondering on whether I should post this for some time now. Let's see what happens.) A while…

19 years ago