
SWORD plugin binary release

We got requests for a binary release. So I tried creating an installer (checked in) and uploaded the first build.…

16 years ago

Research-Output Repository Platform (codename Famulus) Beta 1 is Live!

I am soooo excited to announce the first public beta release of the Research-Output Repository Platform (codename "Famulus")*. It's been…

16 years ago

SWORD plugin for Word 2007

When we started thinking about what we could do to support researchers with tools and services, interoperability with existing formats,…

16 years ago

Oh dear…

I am seriously embarrassed that Microsoft produced this video :-( And I am scheduled to attend PDC08 :-(

16 years ago

“Microsoft SQL Server Data Mining Services”

Our own Dan Fay (eScience blog) has a great post about data mining services in the cloud. "So for fun…

16 years ago

On advertising (that new Microsoft ad everyone is talking about)

I must admit, I do love the "I am a Mac, I am PC", as I've said a number of…

16 years ago

Chem4Word project

One of the projects on which I've been spending lots of my time is the Chem4Word one. Alex Wade is…

17 years ago

Extending "Famulus" using arbitrary data models

"Famulus" has always been the codename for our "Research Output Repository Platform", which I've discussed in previous posts. I am…

17 years ago

Tony Hey interviewed by Jon Udell

You can listen to the interview and/or read the transcript on "on10".

17 years ago

Our wonderful interns

Earlier this week I organized a BBQ gathering at my place for the great interns working with us this summer.…

17 years ago