Since my last post about the JWSRspecial issue on the Web Services Architecture, we had a couple of requests for…
There was a question on "stateful Web Services" over at the w3c-ws mailing list. Of course, I couldn't resist not…
Please Microsoft. As Clemenssays, we need WSE 2.1 with an updated version of WS-Addressing to match the current spec. I've…
While reading the 3rd part of the factored WS-Addressing spec, it occurred to me that the discussion on how to…
Commenting on Clemens Vasters' post, to which I linked in my previous entry, Tim Ewald remembers ("Can OO be SO?")…
Here's a post by Clemens Vasters saying what I've been saying for some time about the use of WS-Addressing as…
The deadline for the special edition on Web Services Architecture of the Journal of Web Services Research is very close…
There is a very good discussion taking place between Steve (post 1, post 2) and Mark (post 1, post 2).…