“Searching for White Dwarfs” application

20 years ago

In previous posts I mentioned our "Searching for White Dwarfs" application which was aimed at illustrating how "typical" Grid applications…

WSE 2.0 SP2 final

20 years ago

Go get it.

EPRs and the architectural elements they address

20 years ago

But which are our architectural elements you may ask? Services or resources? I posted my thoughts over at the W3C…

Using SAML for credential delegation

20 years ago

The paper on "Extending the Security Assertion Markup Language to Support Delegation for Web Services and Grid Services" by Jun…

MSN Spaces

20 years ago

I like this. The customisation options are really cool. My space is at http://spaces.msn.com/members/savas/. My concerns are: My current blog…

RDF to filter WS-Eventing notifications?

20 years ago

This is an interesting proposal. As Stefan (needs to sort out main page) says, WS-Eventing allows the use of any…

I find myself agreeing with Steve on this

20 years ago

In addition to defining addressing-related information headers for SOAP messages, WS-Addressing introduces the concept of an EndpointReference (EPR) which is…

A paper on “When Database Systems Meet the Grid”

20 years ago

"To our knowledge, most of the data-intensive applications that run on the Grid today focus on moving hundreds of thousands…

Tutorial on WS at WWW2005

20 years ago

Hurray! Jim and I submitted a proposal for a tutorial on "Architecting and Developing Message-Oriented Web Services" for the 14th…

Globus to become part of Apache?

20 years ago

I saw this submission/proposal by Globus over at aparche.org. The Globus Alliance is proposing the creation of an Apache subproject…