The OASIS WSDM TC has decided to submit the WSDM specifications as an OASIS standard despite the negative vote. This…
Yesterday I was chatting with my friend Marty about WS-Transfer and the fact that we weren't aware of any implementations…
A discussion often taking place within the Grid community is the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) and the use of modified…
That'd be cool. The article is questioning whether there would be value in upgrading to Longhorn if all of its…
In the past, I too have been responsible for fuelling OS and platform related arguments. However, for quite a few…
This short article on "Architectural Styles for Web Services" mentions SSDL and MEST. Jim Alateras demonstrates how a simple Web…
Pat Helland is moving to Amazon. Pat is one of those people that I would really like to work with.…
Clemens discusses some aspects of Indigo in a three-part post (part 1, part 2, and part 3). It's very interesting.…
This article on C# 2.0 iterators deserves a good read, especially by those of you with functional programming languages background/interest.…