I am really glad to see the "Rethinking the Java SOAP Stack" paper being released to a wider audience. Steve…
The WinFX Beta 1 RC SDK is now available (there is a link to the ISO further down the page).…
Jim and I received good news about our submitted chapter to an upcoming MIT Press book on service-oriented computing. The…
I read today in the Indigo newsgroup that the Indigo and Avalon Beta 1 runtime is now available for download.…
After my holidays and my trip to Seattle I am now finally slowly catching up with email and blogs. So,…
I am at the Seattle Tacoma Airport waiting to get back to the UK. As I said in a previous…
In addition to the single reliable-messaging story, there appears to be a similar development in the single sign-on space. Excellent…
In early June Wil O'Mullane will be coming to visit us here in Newcastle and he's also going to be…
As I am catching up with blogs and industry news, I saw the announcement by OASIS that the new TC…