wocket – a side project

12 years ago

As I mentioned in the past, I am an information junkie. I go through the week collecting articles that I…

Junk mail… what’s wrong with this picture?

12 years ago

Argh!!! I hadn’t checked my mailbox for about 1 1/2 weeks. It’s crazy. So much wasted paper. In this entire…

Devices are getting smaller…

12 years ago

... so, one would think that they are easier to carry, right? I must be doing something wrong because I…

It’s a celebration of democracy

12 years ago

Earlier tonight I dropped off my ballot. Every time I participate in a voting process, I feel that I celebrate…

Using a Lambda to Dynamically Create an IComparer

12 years ago

Just recording the following for those lost coding souls like me who are trying to find a solution on the…

Automation… Laugh or cry more?

12 years ago

I opened my Facebook stream of updates this morning to find this notice amongst others… Sigh! :-( BTW… One of…

RIP my friend – Lee Dirks

12 years ago

People started posting their condolences on Lee's Facebook timeline so I guess it's ok to post this note now. Earlier…

SSDL.org contents online again

13 years ago

A recent question at the REST in Practice discussion group, reminded me of the research work that Jim and I…

Zoom buttons for the Google Maps control on the iPhone

13 years ago

It took me few hours, spread over a number of weekends, to figure out the solution to the following problem…