One of the design principles we established early with Cortana was the fact that a personal digital assistant is much…
Few years ago, the 3rd graders (at the time) from my primary school in Petinos (my village) reached out to…
As an advertisement, I find the video below really bad. However, the portrayed product features are an example of the transition towards more advanced…
(Playing with move semantics in C++ - Part 1) In this second part, we take a look at what happens…
(Kjell Schubert contributed to these posts with ideas, discussion, feedback, and corrections). I did a lot of C++ programming back…
The "revenge of the nerds" short economist post links to a report about the "return of investment" for college degrees There…
Earlier today, I attended a talk by Gene Kranz (NASA flight director during the Gemini and Apollo programs). I seriously…
Few weeks ago I said farewell to Microsoft. Today, while at the beautiful island of Grenada where Mary and I…
It’s been a wonderful 9 year-long stretch at Microsoft. I’ve had the honor of working with incredibly smart people. I learnt…
I am so happy the White House is finally taking a stance!More than any other invention of our time, the…