I am in Atlanta for the Open Repositories 09 where I've joined the rest of the Scholarly Communications gang (Lee…
In the next few days I'll be posting and tweeting about all the MSR-related activities at the Open Repositories 09…
I've been following all the hype and discussions around Wolfram|Alpha. In few hours it'll go live. I've been lucky enough…
Few nights ago, my friends Sophie and David came over for dinner with my parents. It was a lovely evening.…
If you are interested in publishing, equations, Scholarly Communications technologies, or if you just want to learn from a great…
Paul Watson, my PhD supervisor, has recently started using twitter. I really love the fact that he's stays in touch…
The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy, both at work and in my personal life. Since I can't talk…
Some Microsoft folks developed some new user experiences on top of Facebook's newly announced stream API. Very cool. Microsoft shows…
On Friday I visited "The Commons", Microsoft's latest building complex. It includes restaurants, shops, a football ("soccer" for the Americans)…
I had a file permissions problem with my hosting service provider (Bizhostnet) so I contacted them in an attempt to…