Restfulie gets a home and a logo

15 years ago

It looks cool too :-) Thanks again for the credit to our book (tentative title "REST in Practice").

“Bar Stool Economics”

15 years ago

I was forwarded a translated to Greek version of the "Bar Stool Economics" anecdote. It effectively tries to exemplify how…

New York Times article about the “Fourth Paradigm” book

15 years ago

The New York Times has a nice article ("A Deluge of Data Shapes a New Era in Computing") about the…

Interview with Guilherme Silveira, creator of Restfulie

15 years ago

Just read Guilherme's interview over at InfoQ about Restfulie. Nice read. It's great to see that our (upcoming) book is…

Long weekend in London

15 years ago

I realized today that I didn't write* about my long weekend in London over Thanksgiving (Nov. 26 - Dec 1),…

A quote from an Australian movie

15 years ago

I just watched "The Rage in Placid Lake" (an Australian indie film), which was cute. I liked these lines delivered…

Statistics, art, and the environment

15 years ago

I spent my afternoon at the Pacific Science Center today. I went there for the "Animation" exhibit, which I enjoyed…

The “Tony Hey” award

15 years ago

This is fantastic!!! Fully deserved and I am sure many more recognitions will be added to his great record. The…

Forthcoming book by MIT Press: World Wide Research

15 years ago

Tony Hey, Roger Barga, and I were asked to contribute an essay for an MIT Press book entitled "World Wide…

WorldCat Mashathon wrap up notes

15 years ago

Alice posted her wrap up notes on the WorldCat Mashathon event about which I blogged a couple of weeks ago.…