Anders Hejlsberg about C#

21 years ago

I just read part VII of Anders Hejlsberg's interview at about C#. This part is about generics in C#.…

“The Future of Grid and Web Services” and a chat with Steve Tuecke

21 years ago

Just returned from a UK e-Science event on the "The Future of Grid and Web Services" that Malcolm Atkinson organised.…

Don Box on Object-Orientation

21 years ago

Few comments by Don Box but not great deal of detail.

Eric Newcomer on WS-RF again

21 years ago

Eric identifies the intended use of WS-RF and WS-Context as their main difference (addressing of state vs interaction state management).…

Related to my last post

21 years ago

After I posted my previous entry, I read Jeff Frey's response to one of Mark Little's messages. Jeff's message confirms…

A brief thought on WS-RF

21 years ago

My friend Jim from "down under" told me today over messenger that my blog is "more of a social diary…


21 years ago

In every city I visit, one of the first things I go to see is that city's modern art museum.…

Dinner with Mark Potts

21 years ago

As I mentioned few days ago, I had dinner with Mark Potts from HP last night. It was really nice…

Don Box writes on “XSD as a type system”

21 years ago

An interesting read.

More messages by Eric Newcomer and Mark Little

21 years ago

Eric and Mark have been doing distributed computing for years. It's great to see their comments (msg1, msg2, msg3) and…