Doh doh doh!

21 years ago

I am sorry but due to stupidity I managed to loose all my posts and your comments since March 18.…

Sean McGrath on the “fallacy of business objects”

21 years ago

This is an interesting read (by Sean McGrath). I also enjoyed reading one of the references in his article on…

Is it a Web Service or not? (cont’d)

21 years ago

Mark follows on from my previous post. He suggests that clients should determine what they want to do with the…

Is it a Web Service or not?

21 years ago

:-) Mark Baker blogs about "the iTunes music store and the non-browser Web". He writes: So let me understand... ITMS…

ObjectSpaces in .NET

21 years ago

Some time ago I blogged about ObjectSpaces. Here's some more information about it from Ryan Dawson blog.

Eric Newcomer on UML and MDA

21 years ago

Eric posted some comments on the use of UML and MDA. This is the last paragraph of his post... (And…

The “Service Network”

21 years ago

I personally see both the "message" and the "protocol" as part of Service-Oriented Architectures but Jeff Schneider sees a difference.…

Caution: roadworks ahead!

21 years ago

As you may have noticed, I have changed the design of my webblog and the title of my blog in…

Post on “SOA is like the Night Sky”

21 years ago

This post is by Microsoft's Pat Helland. Highly recommended.

Mark Baker on Jim’s post

21 years ago

Mark Baker comments on Jim's recent post about "Service-orientation vs Resource-orientation" which included a diagram I created for our presentations.…