Back from holidays and away immediately

21 years ago

I am back from my holidays in Cuba. I had an excellent time, met lots of people, experienced the local…

Trackback not working but it’ll have to wait… it’s holiday time!!! :-)

21 years ago

I just realised that my trackback engine works on my test installation but not on the live one :-( Don't…

“processThis” continued

21 years ago

Mark requests for clarification on my coupling argument between resource identity, the assumed representation (state), and the REST verbs in…

“Web Services and the Grid: Convergence to Utility Computing” conference

21 years ago

I am going to be giving one of the main talks during the first day of this event (24-27 May)…

Too many trackbacks while testing :-(

21 years ago

I've implemented full support for trackbacks in the pblog engine. However, due to a mistake while I was testing I…

A studentship available for PhD students outside the UK

21 years ago

This is from the announcement of a studentship for the UK all-hands meeting 2004 in which I am involved. The…

Microsoft’s documents on SOA and the Grid fascination with modelling state

21 years ago

I just found the "Application Conceptual View" collection of documents on the Microsoft site. I think that everyone in the…

On the REST verbs vs “processThis” discussion

21 years ago

Since I returned from my unplanned 5 days of holiday, I am only now catching up with my blog feeds.…

“Serializing an Object’s State != Serializing an Object”

21 years ago

This post by Dare Obasanjo makes an interesting read.

More on “WSDL!=Object IDL” or “roundup revisited”

21 years ago

And the discussion continues. Following from Ted's blog entry, Steve Vinoskireplies. Also, following from Sean's "In a Swiss army knife,…