Categories: Personal

Another installment of idiotic behavior by Savas

I have the habit of reporting my idiotic behavior from time-to-time, when I believe that I deserve to be publicly ridiculed. Remember when I put my foot in my mouth or when I missed my flight (and then did it again)? Well, I think this might top those.

I blame it on being absentminded these days for few reasons:

  • Things at work are not rosy since I am not doing what I subscribed to do, so I am seriously considering about my next steps;
  • On a personal level, I am working through picking up the pieces from my last romantic encounter, which was great šŸ™‚ but with bad timing šŸ™

Itā€™s better to live life to its fullest, embrace the moments, gain the experiences, and go through the ups and downs rather than going through a routine and boring existence, right? Thatā€™s my philosophy and I am fully embracing, which is the reason I still have a smile in my face šŸ™‚

So, hereā€™s what happened this time.

If you follow my twitter stream, youā€™ll know that my bike was at the service yesterday. I went to pick it up late afternoon and returned home to find the second notice of a failed delivery attempt from FedEx. The things I ordered last week have started arriving one-by-one. It was a nice day so I decided to go for a ride and collect the first package from the FedEx distribution center. On the way, I also stopped at the UPS distribution center to ask whether the package scheduled for next dayā€™s delivery was there (it was not). I picked up my package from FedEx and returned home. As I parked my bike at home, I noticed that the side cases were missing. I was sure that I had seen them when I parked at FedEx so I immediately assumed that they were stolen.

I got on my bike and returned to FedEx and UPS. I started talking to the security people there in an attempt to get access to their surveillance footage from their security cameras. I even called the police to report the incident. It was past the closing time so I wasnā€™t able to get to the bottom of what happened. The police called me at home later in the night and I gave a full report.

This morning, I started tracing my steps back. I talked with the head of the security at FedEx who reviewed the footage but, unfortunately, he couldnā€™t see me because of the narrow angle of the camera. He did remember me, though, because he was outside at the time since the FedEx NASCAR car was on display, so there were many people around. I thought that I should check whether the UPS camera has footage of my bike and the side cases, in order to confirm that I had the cases at the time. I also went to the gas station where I stopped before to confirm the same thing. They all promised to look at the footage and call me if they saw anything.

Well, instead of waiting I traced my ā€œstepsā€ back to the first stop for that dayā€¦ the BMW service. I went there this morning, after all the other visits, and surpriseā€¦ surpriseā€¦ the side cases were there. They had forgotten to put them back on and I had completely failed to notice. Itā€™s one of those things. You are used to seeing something daily and you convince yourself that itā€™s there even itā€™s not. That in combination with my absentmindness šŸ™‚ (see above).

I am now going to call the police to apologize and offer my time in exchange for their time that I wasted.

I also lost an entire evening of writing. I havenā€™t been able to concentrate lately so I am going to try to reassemble myself today and focus on writing. First deadline is in the horizon.

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