Categories: Personal

The little things you notice…

… when you spend too much time at home being ill 🙂

I’ve been in bed for the last 2 1/2 days. I don’t remember when it was the last time I was so sick, with high fever, constant coughing, and no energy at all. I am much better now but I have almost lost my voice from all the coughing. Good thing for my team on Monday I guess 🙂

Staying at home and not having energy to do anything intellectual (like reading or writing), you get to watch stupid TV and notice little small things…

  • You notice for example that the house is wayyy too interconnected when a syndicated new tweet message actually causes a glitch on TV 🙂 (or it could have been a coincidence)
  • Basic cable is really really really bad. It’s mostly adverts. Between the ads, there might be some actual TV programs. Very irritating. Still… I just haven’t had the energy to concentrate on a single movie from Netflix streaming.
  • You get easily moved even by a stupid movie like “The Pacifier“… it must be the fever! 🙂
  • You get to lose weight very fast when you are ill 🙂 (lost 6lbs in the last 2 1/2 days 🙂
  • You are reminded about how much fun it is to have full weekends. I missed my planned weekend at Whistler as a result of being ill 🙁
  • I thought that staying at home would be a good thing for the Web book but I haven’t made as much progress as I would have liked… it’s just difficult to concentrate; but there still Sunday.

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