Seattle Half-Marathon :-(

I didnā€™t do the same mistakes as the last Seattle Half-Marathon but I did do the same as the Vanvouver one. I was prepared for the cold, proper runnerā€™s t-shirt and long-sleeved top, gloves, hat, etc. The weather turned out to be beautiful, blue sky. Still, I did worse than those last two half-marathons šŸ™ Time: 2h6m.

The big lessons from this one?

  • I should prepare better, especially for hills.
  • I should eat light the night before so I can get more than the 4 hours of sleep I got last night.
  • Charge the portable music player so that it doesnā€™t run out of battery at mile 2 šŸ™ and then have to just carry it, no matter how light it is.
  • I should make sure that my stopwatch has a charged battery. My Zune doesnā€™t have a clock!!!
  • Not that a Zune clock would have made a difference given that it wasnā€™t charged either.
  • I should make sure that I read the ā€œlessons learnedā€ from the previous half-marathon and not repeat EXACTLY the same mistakes.

I was doing 8min/mile for the first 4 miles or so, trying to finish in 1h45m (yeah right!), when I felt like I was running out of energy. While my legs were ok and I was not out of breath, it seemed as if I didnā€™t have any energy left in me šŸ™ I slowed down but then the hills started; I had to walk for some of the really steep ones. There was definitely something different energy-wise. Neither of the last two half-marathons made me feel sooo sleepy like this one afterwards.

I must get ready for a good half-marathon soon. I know I have it in me to do better.

Update: I just got the official resultā€¦ 2:06:09. Apparently I did the last 6.9 miles 4 1/2 mins faster than I did the first 6.2, despite the hills in the second half. I did feel really bad after the first 4 miles and till half way, so thatā€™s not a surprise.

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