🙂 “Work stealing”, “loop decomposition” at runtime to take advantage of the available hardware parallelism, “data parallelism”, “declarative programming for parallel computing”… It’s soooo cool to see these concepts really making it to mainstream computing. Paul and I worked on these ideas some years ago*, building on the previous great works in the space. I even had a .NET implementation of the NIP runtime that hasn’t been touched since 2002. Time to implement NIP.DSM using Parallel FX perhaps? 🙂
I need more hours in a day or fork myself. Nah… forking is sooooo thread-oriented… I need to “evaluate in parallel” 🙂
* Run-Time Support for Parallel Object-Oriented Computing: The NIP Lazy Task Creation Technique and the NIP Object-based Software Distributed Shared Memory
Savas Parastatidis, PhD Thesis, School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2000
As part of the BrainExpanded project, I’m building an iOS app that lets users easily…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved over the past few decades, becoming an integral part…
Happy New Year everyone! I was planning for my next BrainExpanded post to be a…
See "BrainExpanded - Introduction" for context on this post. Notes and links Over the years,…
This is the first post, in what I think is going to be a series,…
Back in February, I shared the results of some initial experimentation with a digital twin.…