I have been getting so many spam comments, I’ve decided to spend few minutes adding antispam support for pblog. I suspect that the spammers will manage to bypass the very simple protection I’ve built but it’ll do for now.
Please let me know if you encounter any problems. If you don’t type the numbers in the given string, pblog will not accept your comment and will fail silently.
I am planning to reimplement some aspects of pblog so I can play with microformats, ASP.NET AJAX, WPF/E, etc. I will revisit the antispam functionality then.
Happy New Year everyone! I was planning for my next BrainExpanded post to be a…
See "BrainExpanded - Introduction" for context on this post. Notes and links Over the years,…
This is the first post, in what I think is going to be a series,…
Back in February, I shared the results of some initial experimentation with a digital twin.…
I am embarking on a side project that involves memory and multimodal understanding for an…
I was in Toronto, Canada. I'm on the flight back home now. The trip was…