Having sooooo much fun

I am back in Seattle. I had a full day at work today and it was soooo much fun. I get to have long meetings and/or 1-1s with guys like Don Box, Oliver Sharp, Chris Sells (who btw is my MS “buddy” and he’s doing an excellent job helping me integrate… thanks Chris), Geoff Kizer, and Patrick Thompson. Fun discussions from which I learn a lot.

Tonight I went to give my talk at the Microsoft Research e-Science event. I wanted to finally spend some time with my team (after all the traveling the last two weeks) so I didn’t go for the event from early in the morning, just for the evening session. I met the Digipede guys there (John and Robert), I saw Jim Gray again, talked a bit with Tony Hey, touched based with Dan Fay and Marvin Theimer (he’s an architect now at the HPC group in Microsoft), had dinner with Dennis Gannon, Simon Cox & better half, and Marty Humphrey. I felt so privileged to be around all these people.

I had the distinct honor to be the last of the 3 presentations of the evening… over dinner!!! Given that it was very late (I started at 20.55) I decided to be as much entertaining as I could (I think the two glasses of wine before my presentation helped:-). I had a blast during the talk and I think the people there liked it, if the atmosphere and the discussions later were any indication (perhaps the fact that they too had alcohol before my talk helped:-). Anyway… I enjoyed it tremendously. BTW… my talk was about the White Dwarfs application so I took the opportunity to also talk about the WS-GAF project and present a brief history of my involvement in the Grid.

It was a great day!

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