“OO sucks” 🙂

I met Dominic for the first time last night over dinner. I enjoyed talking to him. He’s doing a PhD in “programming models for Web Services”. We didn’t get very much into the details but I believe that any programming support for WS will have to include constructs for asynchronous, one-way messaging and conversations. I asked him if he had heard of SSDL and indeed he had but hadn’t looked at it thoroughly. I am expecting a reference to our upcoming IEEE IC article in his thesis 🙂

I liked the “OO sucks” t-shirt he has.

Nice to meet you Dominic. Subscribed!

2 responses to ““OO sucks” :-)”

  1. Ha, thought you meant the other OO.

  2. Well..I suppose that the people that say that OO sucks is actualy programming with Pascal or C .. and that love writing large XML documents.

    I don’t, so why shouldn’t I model web services in OO? You can download a presentation related with this in my blog.

    I’d like to hear what is wrong with OO and web services… CORBA IDL didn’t failed, IMO what it failed was that Microsoft wasn’t interested at all.