Tim Ewald on WS operations

Tim Ewald
suggests that Web Services only have 4 simple operations (input, output, input/output, output/input). I think that Tim really gets it but I would have to disagree with this particular comment since I don’t see these as operations; I see them as message exchange patterns.

There is only one logical operation supported by every service and it is called “ProcessMessage” 🙂 Jim and I should really attempt to collect all the ideas, discussions, clarifications on “ProcessMessage” and publish something that can be used as a permanent reference. Another thing to add to the already looooong TODO list!

One response to “Tim Ewald on WS operations”

  1. Dilip
    The interesting thing is our mutual friend is lurking around. Take a look at the comments of this post: http://pluralsight.com/blogs/tewald/archive/2004/09/30/2500.aspx and let me know if you recognize any of them 🙂